Baylight Center for Homeopathy offers innovative homeopathic education in Portland, Maine.
Our Introduction to Homeopathy course addresses the treatment of acute issues such as colds, flu, menstrual problems, digestive issues, and trauma. It also provides students a solid foundation in the fundamentals of homeopathic practice. We also offer a part-time 4-year Homeopathic Training Program for the student interested in becoming a professional homeopathic practitioner. This course offers a broad scope of knowledge in the constitutional treatment of individuals affected by chronic conditions.
We take pride in offering our courses in a manageable, part-time format, and believe in the importance of maintaining a supportive learning environment and friendly community. Our students are mothers and fathers, teachers, nurses, college students, veterinarians, naturopathic doctors, body workers and community leaders. It is our mission to offer a rigorous, high quality education to those seeking a rewarding career in this growing field, as well as those who are interested in simply using homeopathy at home.
Course Curricula
Our aim is to encourage and inspire innovation in the field of Homeopathic practice. Though we teach from a foundation in Classical Homeopathy, we encourage every student to create a diverse toolbox for professional practice.
Year 1 – Introduction to Homeopathy: Homeopathic First Aid and Acute Care
Intro to Homeopathic History, Philosophy, Acute & Emergency approachesYear 2 – Homeopathic Methodology, Provings, and Systems of Materia Medica
Year 3 – Intro to Practical Philosophy, Clinical Approaches & Supervision
Year 4 – Deepening Understanding of Mat. Medica, Professional Development & Mentoring
If you are interested in registering for our courses, please fill out the registration form and submit the applicable payment.
For more information, see Tuition & Schedule. See the sidebar menu for detailed information on each course. We look forward to hearing from you!
“The Baylight School has quickly become one of the best schools of homeopathy in North America.”