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Important Information for New Patients

Your initial consultation will take about 2 hours. During this meeting, your practitioner will gather many different kinds of information. Though this will be quite thorough, it is helpful for your practitioner to have your health history form in advance of your session. Please fill that out online using your assigned patient number.

Follow-up appointments are an important part of the homeopathic process. New patients should plan to be in for a follow-up appointment within 4-6 weeks after the initial consultation, and also plan for two more follow-ups (about 4-6 weeks apart or as recommended by the practitioner, dependent on your individual case) thereafter. Deep healing is a dynamic process, and your customized homeopathic treatment plan may involve a bit of tweaking at the outset. For this reason, it is important for your practitioner to help assess how things are developing over time.

General Consent Form For Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy and other holistic methodologies view health and illness from a different perspective than the standard, conventional medical approach, which limits its concerns to individual symptoms. The homeopathic interview takes the whole person into consideration, and regards the spiritual, mental, and emotional symptoms as important as the physical aspects.

Please continue reading below!

Information about Homeopathic Remedies

The remedy should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat, electricity, and radiation.  A homeopathic remedy is prepared from natural substances which have been highly diluted and refined.  Its action can be extremely subtle, and is subject to interference from various outside influences.

A remedy dose should be taken at least 15 minutes before or after eating.  You may be instructed to take a single dose, two or three doses relatively close together, or to repeat daily for several days in succession, depending on the nature of your condition and the strength of the dose.

To be avoided during the course of treatment

You may be asked to avoid (exposure to) certain substances during the course of treatment. Some essential oils, herbs, medications and stimulants may interfere with the action of a homeopathic remedy. Your practitioner will advise you in this regard at your initial consultation.

Dental procedures should be postponed until after the remedy has acted or failed to act, so that results can be clearly evaluated.  Other therapies such as acupuncture and a chiropractor should not be started at the same time for the same reason.  An occasional aspirin or Tylenol should be no problem.

Please make note of any changes, dreams, or symptoms to assist in understanding your response to the remedy.  The effects may be so subtle or gradual that a friend or relative may point out changes before you notice them.

A simple, healthy routine which includes rest, exercise, meditation, laughter, and good food assists your body in healing itself.  Lifestyle changes are not necessary.  Try to avoid influences which have caused problems for you in the past.

Some people feel briefly euphoric, energetic or relaxed after taking remedies.  Others may experience a return of symptoms from past illnesses, which will fade after a short time. 

Feel free to be in touch at any time with questions or concerns.